[05/09/2024] Academic Seminar with Prof. Michelle Greenwood

Michelle Greenwood is a Professor at Monash University Australia. Michelle’s research is in critical business ethics, which she has developed conceptually and qualitatively in the areas of ethics and HRM/employment, critical approaches to stakeholder theory and CSR, organizational visuals, and technological mediations. Michelle has published more than 50 articles, book chapters and books, including in a variety of international journals, including Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Management Studies, and Organizational Research Methods.  Michelle currently serves as Co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Business Ethics.

1. Academic Seminar “Publishing with Integrity: Navigating International Expectations While Maintaining Local Norms”

  1. Date: September 5, 2024
  2. Time: 9AM - 11:30AM
  3. Location: A103, UEH Campus A
  4. Registration link: LINK

2. Academic Seminar “Business ethics and business psychologies based on current research”

  • Date: September 5, 2024
  • Time: 2:30PM - 4PM
  • Location: B1.205, UEH Campus B
  • Registration link: LINK